Saturday, February 20, 2010

The clean life

Another week's gone by and now i find myself at the very end of my summer holiday. As always i'm not prepared for university, the preparative tasks i set for myself, that would make my student life a hell of a lot easier were not attempted, and so tomorrow i'll be throwing myself again into lectures and tutorials with my brain still in short-shorts-gym-entourage-cruise-sleep mode. not exactly a good start.
Fortunately, these were the best holidays i've had in a while. I've had some great times with some great people, including those who've given up their time to help me out with my photography pursuits. The most recent of those people is the unforgettable Michael Voss.
Given the role of 'The Watcher', a classy outsider of the Hobart street-businessman scene, Michael searched, escaped and contemplated his way around wheelie bins, parking fines and confusing pieces of public art.
The time i spent with Michael can be compared to lending your car to your step-dad, only to have it returned with a 300% more fuel in it than when you lent it.
Now to reorganise the blast-zone of clothes on my floor.

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