Thursday, April 15, 2010

For an example of why my brain can't balance the ideas of visual creativity and written creativity please read on. This is not going to be my finest piece of writing, and for good reason, i've spent all afternoon using my brain to think up photographic scenarios.
The cause of this imbalance? Coffee.

Yes, that's right, like many others i too have an abusive relationship with coffee, particularly the instant type. Back when i was a skinny young lad, playing soccer on cold winter mornings for the infamous Bagdad Soccer team, my father would often bring along a thermos full of the most average instant coffee. The scent filled the car in which i picked the dirt out from the soles of my boots, and for some reason the scent still reminds me of Dad, and i liked my Dad, loved him, so therefore i'm naturally predisposed to like coffee.
Coffee gives me 20 minutes of self-motivation, 10 minutes of self-assurance and a good 5 minutes of energy for walking up stairs, awesome- oh, and it also makes the muscle in my right eyelid spasm.


There are things we want that we ain't gonna get unless we give up something, and cause i'm currently living the selfish life of a single man, I've sacrificed a stationary eyelid.

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