Saturday, November 13, 2010

Birthday Time

I was just about to throw the ultra intense coffee my mum has just made for me dramatically out of the window, I fear that a tablespoon of instant may well lead to some pretty nasty side-effects, but i'm not going to, because today, the 14th of November is my birthday. However, besides the significance of the date to myself, I'm finding it rather difficult to catagorise my 22nd compared to my 21st, or any other birthday that I've had. I decided to accompany my mother on a trip to the Bagdad for a school's garden showing. She'd organised a great deal of the gardens there, and a large group of admirers of Gardens had bussed down to, um, admire the gardens.
My current educational experience has also finished, after a rather rough German exam and a 'fingers crossed' photography assessment, i'm free to reap the rewards of my fine art degree. I expect a lot of hard work ahead of me, as I keep being told that sending out emails just ain't gonna cut it.

I'm making plans, slowly, trying not to relax, and going to commence the search for professional experience, somewhere in the world. It's a confused state i'm in, probably cause the educational system is a warm blanket of repetition, but i'm sure we'll all adapt to the reality of the real world, whatever it throws at us. So, congratulations to all the graduates of 2010, and good luck with working intensely until you find that ideal job.

And a very special birthday wish to that twin of mine. Happy 22nd Damon. Keep jumping those rocks baby!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fine arts degree, you're almost mine.

Allowing myself a little break from writing travel stories in German, I'm going to commit some words to the blog. Firstly i'd like to thank the Tasmanian weather system for the painful walk amongst the hail this morning, and also for the red sunburn i acquired across my chest yesterday. But i suppose that love shouldn't always be predictable, so i'll let you get away with it Tasmanian weather.

Three weeks and all hard working university life will be finished, fertig.

My initial hunt will be for a $60,000 p.a job, hopefully the world values a fine arts degree as much as the art school does, otherwise i'm damn excited about where i'm heading, and that's anywhere with a camera.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Party series

I'm starting to realise my final semester's photography project, i'm aiming for 12 images, and am so far at 6. I've put this image up cause i can no longer contain my excitement. As soon as i get some more time off work, i'm going to hustle more people up like cows, cause i love it.
So, just wanted to thank those wonderful six people who have helped me get this far.
C and L, thanks for helping me get this rolling, and all my models, your patience, ability to take direction and give me super hot pensive, anxious looks, makes my eyes water every time i look at you in my photos.


I'm feeling it, feeling the pressure.
At the start of next week i'll have four weeks left of my university education. There's a good deal to look back on, but that ain't the pressing issue of tonight's blog. You see, i could be doing my German assignment, or i could be writing in my journal, both wise things to do with the short amount of time i have left, but i feel like i need this, need some proof that stuff's been happening, important, non uni stuff.

It's been a rough winter at the restaurant at which i work. Customer levels have decreased and as a result the amount of snaky double standards in co-workers has increased, maybe it's the weather, but there remains a certain level of tension at work that frustrates me to no avail.

But there are plenty of good things. As we know i'm not a hero when it comes to building a too-solid crew of friends, i just don't know how to collect people with similar interests and keep them together for a good while. But there are two people who i'm really appreciating at the moment, one is a walking-talking movie reference joke a second, who never fails to convince me that 'covert special ops' is his normal state of being, and the other is a bio-chemistry, japanese/ mathematical genius who over the past 4 months has given me an unconditional kindness, with added cheesecake, vacations, and ears for listening.

Agent AA and Ash, two excellent associates of team Trent.

Friday, May 14, 2010

studious and distractive.

For those who go to university to study, please find above an example of what to watch out for.
Although i do my best to catch up with Ben as often as possible, today was a rather remarkable day in the brief history of us discussing current situations. Firstly let me state that i am usually in great admiration of Ben's vivacity and control of the english language, i usually liken the conjunction of 'big' words in complex sociological sentences to masturbation, but when someone has a the ability to relate their knowledge to their audience in a way the audience understands, that's something i really appreciate.

Ben sang for me a song he'd just penned and i was in admiration of his unmistakable disregard for self consciousness, cause it's self consciousness that usually stops me from doing these risky things, and i always regret not doing them. Damn, I was glad to be there to experience it.

Cause lately i've been thinking about people and connectedness, and the idea of the individual's ability to relate is usually at the center these thoughts. I study fine art photography and it isn't always my favourite thing. Some say it's less likely to land me a job than an Arts degree, and i don't really have anything good to say back. But when i start to discuss with people my photographs, and the concepts that myself and those who study alongside me construct and communicate in a visual way, that's when the differences in ways of thinking become apparent.

With some people i can only squeeze in half a sentence of art description before they dismiss it as irrelevant 'art wank' and then there is this small group of others who can relate to my ideas, and these people usually don't follow the art line, or study at university.

Such people make such a difference to my belief in my own practice, and as most of you know, if you don't believe in your product, you're never going to sell it.

Big ups to the ability to relate, arts, science, society, psychology and life. It makes better friends.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I've been thinking lately, why is that my mood jumps so rapidly around between anxiety and excitement, to the point that i'm often left feeling deeply confused about the state of my mind?
I think i'm normal, mostly, but then there's this little stream of doubt that springs up when things aren't working in my favour, like when i'm involved in a conversation with a collection of other people and i somehow find myself in the back seat of the discussion. To be disengaging in conversation is something that i've only recently grown to accept. I used to think that it was all about being the central talker, the question poser and the avid responder, but then Bam! some form of depression hit me in february, coinciding conveniently with the start of Uni and suddenly i've got a complex.

Turns out though, life is rather complex, so why not emerse yourself in thoughts and worries and doubts and...damn, it's not looking good.
How did i rationalise this minor/major issue? I listened to Peter, Bjorn and John who told me i had 'nothing to worry about', and Seth Sentry, who stated 'life is simple i developed a complex'.

I like taking photos- simple statement.

This is a photograph of the lovely Rose, i've been working on a series of photographs that explore irrational anxiety within people, hopefully with some research i'll be able to uncover some solid findings, but for now i'm dipping into my past for inspiration.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

For an example of why my brain can't balance the ideas of visual creativity and written creativity please read on. This is not going to be my finest piece of writing, and for good reason, i've spent all afternoon using my brain to think up photographic scenarios.
The cause of this imbalance? Coffee.

Yes, that's right, like many others i too have an abusive relationship with coffee, particularly the instant type. Back when i was a skinny young lad, playing soccer on cold winter mornings for the infamous Bagdad Soccer team, my father would often bring along a thermos full of the most average instant coffee. The scent filled the car in which i picked the dirt out from the soles of my boots, and for some reason the scent still reminds me of Dad, and i liked my Dad, loved him, so therefore i'm naturally predisposed to like coffee.
Coffee gives me 20 minutes of self-motivation, 10 minutes of self-assurance and a good 5 minutes of energy for walking up stairs, awesome- oh, and it also makes the muscle in my right eyelid spasm.


There are things we want that we ain't gonna get unless we give up something, and cause i'm currently living the selfish life of a single man, I've sacrificed a stationary eyelid.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


At work last night i directed a young woman into the male toilets. Unfortunately i didn't realise my error until i ventured into the kitchen where Billy, dishmaster and generally funny guy excitedly proclaimed that a girl had gone into the guys toilets. No doubt the girl realised the mistake she'd made in listening to me, pity i had to run food to her table on numerous occasions.
The confusion between left and right is one of my many faults when tired, and by getting up at 4 in the morning for a photoshoot, i can ensure that the mistakes will keep occurring for the whole day.

My tiredness was well worth it though, as this photo displays one of the best ways to catch a sunrise in Bagdad, all-round favorite place of Trent. The sun rising through gumtrees as empty beer bottles lay around a 60s Ford Fairlane, glad too that this brilliant spectacle was shared with two other pleasantly early morning people (at least on this one occasion).

I'm going to keep this short, German study is calling me.

All my thanks to Rose, for giving me a photograph better than desired, and Andrew, for shifting various trailers and cars, and for letting us shoot at another of my favorite childhood places.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter for the non-religious

I've spent at least two days strategising over the most exciting way to commence a post that has something to do with Easter, but i think I've realised through the process that Easter isn't something i really care about, so it probably ain't going to happen. Truthfully, i'm not in need of another holiday. Of the 6 week period of being back at Uni my brain probably shifted 5% in the direction of study (i'm not even sure if it was 6 weeks, i'm only seeing time in hazy horizontal blurs) and now all that's gone to waste.

Time travels fast when you distract yourself, and as my life is currently a series of distractions, where i seem to be placing most my life's emphasis on the wrong things, e.g girls and saving money for shit that i don't need, i'm not really being very fair on myself and my most important year of my study life definitely. Damn, I'm so confused i dressed up on Easter Sunday as if i was going to church, and instead roamed the streets of Salamanca lapping up compliments and generally being a Dandy. With hindsight overdressing on Easter wasn't my coolest of moves...

Other occurrences in the world of Trent? A grand total of four New Zealand nationals are currently roaming around my house, but instead of acting like exciting predatory animals, picking off visitors in vicious kiwi-style feeding frenzies, they're nagging for tea and aggressively questioning the way i talk to my mother.

Life just ain't what it should be.

Looks like i'll just have to go out myself and make the excitement happen.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's an annoying thing, that the lesser amount of essays i write, the more confidence i lose at being socially functional. Anyway, i've got a pretty good feeling that it's all in the mind. Lately i've been feeling that annual urge to escape. The cooler weather is turning me various shades of purple, and i'm finding myself too frequently choosing bed over study, but not just purely for the sake of sleep, but for the time it gives me for thoughts and analysis of my current situation.
Turns out that over-complication has been governing my life for the past 4 weeks, and although my university assignments have been incredibly minimal, i have somehow developed a bit of a complex about them, actually i think i'd developed specific complexes for just about every aspect of my life.

One of the things i like to do when lacking in inspiration is drive somewhere, generally wherever i feel best can clear my head and give me a little time to myself. For some odd reason this drive directed me to the quiet beach of Kingston. I walked around the paths surrounding the beach, photographing whatever caught my eye, i found it rather therapeutic, to shoot without an apparent direction or client to satisfy.

I've been shredding up the streets of West Moonah on my skateboard, which is something i've neglected for a while, and i'm using my brain less for worrying and more for makin' shit happen.

So, for any of you who seem to be caught up in the complexities of current life, i've just escaped and found refuge in simplicity and can offer a little advice that may help. Don't make yourself feel bad about reading trashy magazines, embrace advertising with consciousness that acknowledges your own role as a dupe and a victim of deception but doesn't really give a fuck.
There ain't nothing wrong with doing nothing.
Simplicity, you are my new best friend.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The clean life

Another week's gone by and now i find myself at the very end of my summer holiday. As always i'm not prepared for university, the preparative tasks i set for myself, that would make my student life a hell of a lot easier were not attempted, and so tomorrow i'll be throwing myself again into lectures and tutorials with my brain still in short-shorts-gym-entourage-cruise-sleep mode. not exactly a good start.
Fortunately, these were the best holidays i've had in a while. I've had some great times with some great people, including those who've given up their time to help me out with my photography pursuits. The most recent of those people is the unforgettable Michael Voss.
Given the role of 'The Watcher', a classy outsider of the Hobart street-businessman scene, Michael searched, escaped and contemplated his way around wheelie bins, parking fines and confusing pieces of public art.
The time i spent with Michael can be compared to lending your car to your step-dad, only to have it returned with a 300% more fuel in it than when you lent it.
Now to reorganise the blast-zone of clothes on my floor.

Monday, February 8, 2010


As i scoff down my morning weetbix, i figured it's about time that i update my blog.
Recently i returned from Sydney, a trip that was much anticipated as an escape from sleepy Hobart town. Unfortunately, my escape was one of much rain, stinky heat and lacking air conditioning. In fact, the only time i noticed the air conditioning was in the stores i sought refuge in from the rain, which made me feel that i'd just put my self through a cold shower on a winter's day, before walking into a giant fridge. My coldness maintained. Another realisation of my trip is that i am still unable to portion food correctly. 2 out of 3 meals i made for myself were suitable for at least 6 people, so i usually consumed the food out of large boiling pots, as the bowls were always too small. I managed to consummate my love of gangsta musik at numerous clubs, which means a refreshed love for old Snoop and 50. Now that i'm home, i'm listening to the XX, thinking about more shoots and building up my photography equipment. I made the hyundai excel of beauty dishes yesterday, i don't expect it to last long...

Monday, February 1, 2010


On the weekend i took the liberty of impulsively sending myself on a pre-holiday holiday. In terms of planning the whole thing didn't make too much sense; leave to Melbourne on Sunday morning, get back Monday night, work Tuesday night then fly to Sydney Wednesday morning.
I don't want to tell you about how awesome it was, but i'd like to take the opportunity to unleash upon you how valuable these impulses can be. Flying across to another state to see someone i'd only ever had a five minute conversation with, doesn't really make sense, but because of the nervousness and excitement of it all, i feel like i've somehow refreshed myself.

- To all my friends, i'm glad i have you. :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I'm not too sure why my blog wants this text underlined and purple, but i'm not going to fight it.
Mainly because i like surprises, like this one, my blog has allowed me to type in a normal colour.
Generally when people go to Richmond, out in the eastern centre of Tasmania, they photograph ducks, bridges and the many aged buildings in this little tourist mecca.
Understandably, Elka and I got bored incredibly quickly, and decided that we would seek better inspiration along the road side.
Firstly, Elka was fantastic to work with because of her ability to pull over to the roadside whenever i erratically requested it. When the rain had stopped and the roadside displayed such wonderful yellow grass, we'd be sure to get amongst it.
Thankfully Elka had brought along a collection of 90s adidas gear, which got me very excited.
So i ended up with an awesome photograph of a badass 90s bogan chic, and all thanks to Elka.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Stars and Bogans

I've got a feeling that it's been too long since my last post, so firstly let me do some updating.
A week ago, fellow cool kid Jason and i set out in the direction of Bridgewater to have things yelled at us through passing car windows, and take some photos of stars. Our night ended after i decided that it would be cool to shoot in the Glenorchy bus mall at 3.30am on Monday. Although one should feel safe in the roughest hang-out in Tasmania at this unholy hour, we spent a good deal of time being paranoid that some bogans would soon be drawn our way. A pack of wild kids pulling allnighters, the police and some shooting stars sealed the deal for this night of madness.
I'm very much looking forward to our next wild adventure, night photography in Risdon Vale.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Au revoir 2009, you've been a pretty rough year all round, but am glad of your recession to 2010, a hopefully better year.

I'm going to overcome my sudden feelings of melancholy by throwing up this photo of Amy, taken this afternoon in the passing light of Lenah Valley. This photoshoot was organised incredibly quickly, so for it i have to thank Amy's commitment and spontaneity. The last week has all but been a haze of late nights, running food and never finding enough time during the day to recover from the onslaught of yachties and tourists that have filled the restaurants occupying Hobart's waterfront.

Unfortunately, i'm not perfect enough not to make any resolutions for the upcoming year. I've smoked my fair share of cigarettes, piled on countless kilograms and lived my life as if i were constantly driving my car across the Tasman Bridge on its reserve tank. So it's time for some adjustments.

That last paragraph may be riddled with lies.

Alongside self-commitments to take more photographs, i've decided that 2010 is the year of self-destruction. That's right, old man Trent is committed to taking up skateboarding, as a mere test of perseverance. So far i've persevered into a bruised hip and swollen elbow, so who knows what more i can achieve.

So, whilst feeling the warmth of the setting sun upon tanned skin, may i wish everyone the best 2010 they'll ever have.